Monday, September 5, 2011

Harper's Ferry

I am Southbound thru-hiker #27 to pass through Harper's Ferry, WVA. The last town on the AT before crossing into VIRGINIA!

I will be in Virginia tomorrow (3 months from my start date exactly).

Therefore, if any of you Virginia peoples want to meet up with me on the trail (town stops or maybe some small section hiking or otherwise), feel free to text/call/email/facebook me to set something up. Email would probably be best, but all forms of communication are welcome.

For immediate reference, I plan to be in Luray this Friday.

Make something happen, y'all. I haven't seen any of my friends from back home in months!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I found your blog/journal. We met on the trail right before you entered Shenandoah N.P.

    I've read a few of your entries; you write well.
